Bautista LeRoy Law Firm can assist if you require more information regarding delayed injuries after car accidents. Since the 1990s, our attorneys have provided outstanding personal injury representation in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Focusing solely on this field has made our firm's dedication and earned it an unrivaled reputation of excellence.
This article details why injuries often have delayed effects and which injuries might cause any significant delay. We will also explore the advantages of hiring an attorney for personal injury.
Why have some injuries been delayed after a car accident?
- Adrenaline Rush: When an accident strikes, your body releases adrenaline as part of its natural defense mechanism to temporarily dull any pain felt in emergencies.
- Injury Types: Soft tissue injuries like whiplash or concussion don't typically show their effects immediately - their manifestation could take hours, days, or weeks before becoming noticeable.
- Psychological Aspects: Shock from an accident may prevent us from immediately recognizing injuries. Our minds could become preoccupied and fail to notice the pain.
What are the most common delayed injuries following car accidents?
Though every accident is different, certain injuries often appear later. Here are a few to look out for:
- Whiplash
- Concussions
- Soft Tissue Injuries
- Back Injuries
- Emotional Distress
What effects could delayed injuries have on my claim?
- Delays in reporting injuries or seeking treatment could jeopardize your claim altogether. Insurance companies prefer immediate documentation of all injuries sustained and could contest it should there be any delay.
- Receiving medical treatment after being involved in an accident will assist with establishing a connection between an accident and your injuries. Delays could make this task even harder.
- Insurance adjusters could reduce the value of your claim if it's reported late, perhaps considering your injuries less serious or suggesting they occurred later than originally claimed.
Why is hiring a personal injury attorney beneficial?
- Personal injury attorneys have in-depth knowledge of applicable laws for claim filings and are well-versed in avoiding mistakes.
- Personal injury attorneys can negotiate the optimal settlement from insurance providers while representing clients effectively.
- Your legal issues will be taken care of by a personal injury attorney so you can focus on improving your health.
When should it be beneficial to hire an attorney?
After a car accident, it's wise to immediately seek legal advice regarding potential compensation claims for personal injuries. Any delays could have lasting repercussions. An attorney is essential in providing clarity around your options and selecting an effective course of action, especially in complex matters like insurance disputes.
Why Choose Bautista LeRoy LLC?
Bautista LeRoy's legal team takes great pride in offering personalized legal representation built to each of our client's individual needs. Our skilled personal injury attorneys have successfully represented individuals involved in car accidents to receive all compensation. We take great pleasure in maintaining open communication with our clients during every phase.
Suggested Action Steps
- Seek medical assistance if any symptoms you're experiencing persist.
- Keep accurate records of injuries, treatments, and interactions with insurers to remain compliant.
- Consult with a personal injury attorney for guidance on the best way to approach your claim.
Car accident injuries that arise later can prove challenging to recover from, leading to legal liabilities for victims. Hiring a personal injury attorney increases the odds of receiving maximum compensation. Contact us today at 816-221-0382 or send us an email on our Contact Page. Serving Kansas City, MO and KS as well as surrounding areas of Benton County and St. Louis.
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