Of the injuries a loved one can suffer at a nursing home or long term care facility, there is nothing more upsetting than nursing home bed sores resulting from nursing home negligence. In most cases, bed sores are easily avoidable if the resident receives proper care from the caregiver. However, mistreatment, nursing home negligence and simply laziness have caused bedsores and pressure sores to become one of the most frequent injuries loved ones suffer in nursing homes throughout Kansas City.
At Bautista LeRoy, we fight every day to ensure there are less residents that develop bed sores and other pressure injuries in nursing homes due to nursing home neglect. We represent nursing home residents and their families throughout Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Benton County, and St. Louis, in cases involving bedsores and pressure ulcers in nursing homes resulting from improper care. Through these lawsuits against nursing homes, we have been able to help change the policies, procedures and care that is given to resident to prevent bedsores.
Kansas City Nursing Home Abuse Resulting in Bed Sores
When bedsores and pressure injuries in nursing homes do develop, most of the time it is the result of lack of training by the nursing home staff, failure to monitor residents or malnutrition. By holding these nursing homes accountable for their negligence, Bautista LeRoy strives to not only recover money for our client's injuries, but also to change the behavior of the facility. It is our hope that these lawsuits will prevent other residents from suffering from bedsores due to continued neglect.
How do Pressure Sores Develop and What are the Early Signs to Detect Bed Sores from Nursing Home Neglect
Bed sores, also known as pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, develop when there is prolonged pressure to various parts of the body, including: tailbone, heels, hips and buttocks. Further, many nursing home residents who are confined to wheelchairs suffer pressure sores on their buttocks from sitting in addition to pressure ulcers on their elbows, shoulders and the backs of their knees.
If you have a loved one in a nursing home, knowing the early signs and symptoms of a bed sore can be invaluable information. Be aware of the bedsore stages; most pressure ulcers that are caught at Stage 1 or 2 can be treated and reversed. According to Johns Hopkins the areas you should monitor are the tailbone, heels, hips, and or buttocks. Learn the stages of bed sores listed below to help prevent serious damage
- Stage 1: Red or pink spots on the skin that are warm to the touch. For individuals with darker skin the area may have a tint of blue or purple.
- Stage 2: The individual may complain of significant pain accompanied by the area having an open sore, scrape, scab or blister along with additional discoloration.
- Stage 3: You will notice a crater-like appearance on the area due to tissue damage below the surface.
- Stage 4: At this stage the individual is at risk of infection. The area will appear to have significant damage including a large wound. The infection can spread to muscle, tendons, joints, and bone.
If you find that your loved one has one or more of these bedsore or pressure sore symptoms make sure they are seen by a doctor and wound care nurse immediately. When bed sores are not treated, they can progress rapidly and cause the loss of a limb or death. If the bed sore does not resolve or enters Stage 3 or Stage 4, please call Bautista LeRoy to help at 816-221-0382.