Bautista LeRoy Blog


Grocery Store Slip And Fall Accidents

Posted by Bautista Leroy | Oct 21, 2020 | 0 Comments

grocery store slip and fall accidents

Bautista LeRoy can assist if you experience slip and fall accidents while shopping in grocery stores. Since 1990, our personal injury attorneys have provided personal injury representation throughout the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. We take great pride in offering each client exceptional representation and positive outcomes. We have built vast expertise as we earned ourselves an impeccable reputation.

This article explains what should be done in case of an accidental slip-and-fall at a grocery store and who might potentially be held liable.


What to do if you slip and fall in a grocery store?

After experiencing an accident at a grocery store, stay calm and follow these immediate steps:

  • Assess Your Injuries
  • Seek Medical Attention
  • Report the Incident
  • Gather Evidence
  • Keep Records


Who bears responsibility for a slip and fall accident in a grocery store?

Slip and fall accidents often depend upon numerous factors, potentially responsible parties could include:

  • Store Owners
  • Employees
  • Third Parties


Could you be liable for a grocery store slip and fall?

Slip and fall accidents at stores typically don't fall within your scope, though if an accident happened due to your negligent acts like running through stores or disregarding signs that indicate "Wet Floor," complications could ensue.


Why hiring a personal injury attorney would be beneficial?

  • Personal Injury attorneys understand the nuances surrounding slip and fall claims and can offer invaluable guidance.
  • Attorneys have negotiation skills and can seek fair compensation from insurance providers or responsible parties.
  • By hiring an attorney to manage legal affairs on your behalf, you can focus more on healing.


When should an attorney be hired?

After being involved in an accident, seek legal advice immediately from a personal injury attorney for legal assistance. An experienced attorney will quickly collect evidence, interview witnesses, and build your case. Each state also has statutes of limitation that regulate when claims can be filed - don't miss those deadlines!


What criteria must be considered when choosing an effective attorney?

  • Experience: When hiring attorneys to represent slip-and-fall accidents, ensure they have an established history in this area of practice.
  • Reputation: Carefully research potential attorneys by seeking referrals and reading client reviews.
  • Communication: Choose an attorney who will respond promptly and clearly to all of your inquiries.


Why Choose Bautista LeRoy LLC?

Bautista LeRoy's legal team specializes in personal injury claims such as slip-and-fall accidents. Backed by decades of combined experience and an outstanding track record for providing successful solutions to our clients, our legal team takes great pride in giving each case special care and personalized attention.


Suggested Action Steps

  • Prioritize your health, seek medical assistance, and document any injuries sustained.
  • Consult an experienced personal injury attorney and seek their guidance and expertise.
  • Secure all relevant records and evidence related to an accident for future reference.
  • Maintain close and attentive communications with your attorney and follow their advice.

Bautista LeRoy Law Firm stands ready to provide additional information and arrange a consultation, taking every necessary step to help our clients secure compensation. Contact us today at 816-221-0382 or send us an email on our Contact Page. Serving Kansas City, MO and KS as well as surrounding areas of Benton County and St. Louis.

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