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Legal Recourse for Cyclists Injured by Delivery Vehicles

Posted by Bautista Leroy | Apr 02, 2021 | 0 Comments

cyclists injured by delivery vehicles

Biking can be an enjoyable form of transportation and recreational pursuit, yet there can be inherent dangers when cycling through urban environments where cyclists share roads with large vehicles such as delivery trucks. Legal protections vary according to circumstances involving such strikes; both truck drivers and cyclists should understand this so they are treated fairly should any collision arise.

Negligence can be a legal protection for cyclists struck by delivery trucks. To prove negligence, an injured bicyclist must show that the truck driver was acting negligently, leading to the accident. This could include distraction, failure to yield to right-of-way rights, speeding, overspeeding, or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If proven, the injured bicyclist could receive compensation for medical costs, lost wages, suffering, and damages from truck drivers or insurance carriers.

Strict responsibility provides cyclists with yet another legal shield. For instance, in certain jurisdictions truck drivers can be held strictly liable in accidents that involve bicyclists. This means that regardless of any particulars involved they will always be held liable due to their larger sizes and heavier weight. The principle behind this practice is everywhere on earth. 

Bicyclists struck by delivery trucks can also find shelter from them through laws that prioritize cyclist safety. Many jurisdictions mandate minimum distance requirements when vehicles pass a cyclist when overtaking them and also prevent vehicles from turning directly in front of cyclists without first consulting with them unless safe. Laws designed to safeguard road users (including cyclists!) against accidental incidents.

Workers' compensation laws offer additional protections when cyclists are struck by trucks while on the job. No matter who was at fault, injured employees receive benefits such as medical costs and lost wages, and rehabilitation expenses are covered under workers' comp benefits. Unfortunately, it can be complex to navigate this system so injured cyclists should consult legal advice to protect their rights when filing claims against employers for workers' comp.

Truck drivers and delivery services should seek to prevent collisions involving bicyclists as a financial and legal safeguard. Proper training on bicycle awareness must also be received, vehicles should also remain in top condition while complying with traffic laws. Additionally, delivery companies should carry adequate liability coverage against any possible liabilities that might result from collisions with bicycles.

Bicyclists struck by delivery trucks are legally protected through negligence, strict liability, and traffic laws. These legal protections aim to provide fair compensation to bicyclists injured during such encounters while holding companies and truck drivers liable. Knowledge of such legal protections will assist both truck drivers and bicyclists alike to avoid accidents in future encounters.

For inquiries related to traffic accident laws or injury laws, or to hire an accident attorney, contact the legal professionals of Bautista LeRoy LLC through this number 816-221-0382 or email them at [email protected]. Serving Kansas City, MO and KS as well as surrounding areas of Benton County and St. Louis.

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