Bautista LeRoy Blog


Rights and Medical Expenses After Being in an Automobile Accident

Posted by Bautista Leroy | Aug 23, 2021 | 0 Comments

medical expenses car accident

After being involved in an automobile collision, injured passengers have legal rights regarding medical costs incurred during treatment for injuries sustained as a result of being involved. These may depend on factors surrounding their accident as well as local laws at play when their accident took place. Here are some key points about medical expenses and passenger rights after car crashes.


Insurance Coverage

Most often, an at-fault driver's auto policy will provide medical expense coverage for passengers injured in an accident. This coverage typically encompasses hospital costs, doctor's appointments, surgery costs, and prescription drug expenses, as well as any necessary treatments or therapies for injuries sustained as a result of said collision.


No-Fault States

In states that have no-fault laws, injured passengers can seek reimbursement from their car insurance policy for medical costs regardless of who was at fault in an accident. No-fault policies typically offer limited coverage but should always be checked carefully when purchasing coverage through them.


Out-Of-Pocket Expenses

Even with insurance covering most medical costs, injured passengers can still incur out-of-pocket expenses such as co-pays or deductibles that their provider does not fully cover, as well as therapy or treatments not fully covered by their policy; expenses that should be included as claims expenses in any claim submissions process.


Seek Compensation

Drivers at fault have the responsibility of compensating injured passengers with medical expenses from an accident. Such payments can cover future medical costs related to surgeries or ongoing treatments related to the collision.


Proving Damages

To obtain compensation for medical costs, injured passengers will need to present evidence of their expenses such as bills from doctors or pharmacies, receipts for medications, reports detailing the extent and recommended treatment plans, etc.


Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitation sets forth a deadline by which injured passengers can file claims to seek financial recompense for medical expenses incurred as a result of injury. Time-frames vary by state, failure to file within this deadline could void your right to receive any financial relief from your injuries.


Legal Assistance

Injured passengers can gain legal help when disputing damages or liability issues. A personal injury lawyer will guide the process from start to finish; gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance providers, and representing your interests before courts as needed.



Insurance companies that cover medical costs for injured passengers can seek reimbursement from their driver's insurer under subrogation laws. This arrangement allows insurers to recover any amounts spent on injury claims on behalf of injured parties, allowing them to recover money they paid out on behalf of the injured party.

Following a car crash, injured passengers can seek legal compensation to cover medical costs associated with treatment for injuries sustained as a result of being involved. They should become familiar with their rights before seeking legal guidance if necessary to receive the reimbursement they are due.

For inquiries related to accident laws, or to hire an accident/injury attorney in Kansas City, contact the legal professionals of Bautista LeRoy LLC by dialing these numbers 816-221-0382 or by emailing them at [email protected]. Serving Kansas City, MO and KS as well as surrounding areas of Benton County and St. Louis.

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